The school is registered to accept a total number of 110 day pupils for young people aged 5 – 18, although at present, the youngest students we are offering a curriculum for are Year 5 (aged 9).
There are usually no more than eight pupils to a class, although this number is usually 6. For some lessons, such as PE two classes may be taught together.
Our children come from the surrounding Local Authorities, including Stockport, Tameside, Manchester, Trafford, Salford, Oldham, Rochdale, Cheshire East, and may also be looked after to the local area.
A place will only be offered where there is a space within the appropriate year group and where the pupil meets the criteria set out below.
Admission Criteria
- The pupil will be aged between 5 and 18 years, and the school currently operates a curriculum for that age group
- The pupil will have an Education, Health and Care Plan, or be in the process of having one written
- The plan will specify that the pupil has social, emotional and mental health difficulties (SEMH) or social communication difficulties as a primary need
- The pupil will normally have been assessed as within the average ability range of educational functioning. (In some cases, pupil’s levels of ability as measured using psychometric tests may prove difficult. In these cases the school will base its judgements on its ability to meet needs)
- The pupil may have learning difficulties and/or low attainment that are associated with their emotional and behavioural difficulties, but these can be supported within the normal education offer
- The pupil may have one or more specific learning difficulties, such as dyslexia
- The pupil will express a commitment to the placement
- The pupil’s parents/carers will express a commitment to the placement.
- For all “Looked After Children”, there must be permanently named carers and a permanent home base for the pupil, available at any time throughout the year. This placement should be stable and secure. The school cannot be the main residence for any child.
- The admittance of the pupil will not be detrimental to other pupils already on the school role
- There is a space available in the pupil’s academic year group so their curriculum need can be met
Admissions Process
Stage 1
Referrals made to The School will normally be made by local authorities. A range of detailed information concerning that pupil should accompany these referrals, including any appendices used to write the EHCP, and any pertinent documents to ensure the school is receiving the most up to date information. The school may also speak to the previous education provider, social worker or other professionals involved. Where up to date information has not been provided, the school will seek access to such information as possible including information regarding the individual’s Education, Health and Social background. Senior staff will analyse all available information on the pupil to assess whether the pupil meets the admission criteria for the school. The local authority will be advised on timescales at this point as we seek further information.
The Head teacher will assess all written information as to whether or not the school can meet the pupils needs based on paperwork, and if so, will arrange for a visit to the school.
Stage 2
The visit may include:
- a tour of the school – this may be done virtually if a child is particularly anxious
- an introduction to key staff
- a discussion with senior staff concerning such issues as:
– The school curriculum
– The prospective pupil’s likes and dislikes
– The content of key school policies, including the school expectations for good behaviour and discipline,
and the physical management of pupils.
- A discussion about the school’s physical intervention strategy.
- An opportunity for each visitor to ask any questions they may have
- Primary aged pupils will, if appropriate, spend a short period of time in their potential classroom
The aim is to find out as much as possible about the prospective pupil to see if their curriculum needs can be met, and whether their education on site would be compatible with the needs of existing pupils. This involves discussions with both parents/carers and the child. Both parents/carers and the child have to showing a willingness for them to attend Reddish Hall School.
Stage 3
If, following the visit to school, we believe we can meet need based on stage 2, then a member of school staff either from the SLT or the child’s prospective tutor or class teacher may arrange a home visit to meet the child and assess how they would fit within the appropriate class group.
Stage 2 and 3 may be reversed if it is deemed more appropriate given the needs of the child. It may not always be appropriate to undertake a home visit, in which case a decision will be made based on the information already sought.
Stage 4
If, following these visits, all concerned are agreed that the pupil’s needs as outlined in the EHCP or other documentation can be met at the school, and that the young person can be adequately managed with the planned resources available, and that the pupil and parents/carers are committed to the placement, the school will write to the LA offering a place and arrangements will be made for admission.
Admissions Enquiry
If you’d like to make a referral or you simply want to know more, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
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