Reddish Hall School is a co-educational school
catering for pupils aged 5-18 with complex needs
relating to social, emotional and mental health –
all of our young people have an Education Health
Care Plan.
The school accepts pupils with social, emotional and mental health needs,
though they may face additional challenges and diagnoses including ADHD,
Autism, SpLD, MLD, OCD, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Dyscalculia, Foetal Alcohol
Syndrome or a variety of other conditions. Additionally, some of our pupils
have undergone significant childhood trauma, resulting in the need for a
nurturing and therapeutic educational environment.
All pupils attending Reddish Hall School have individual needs that have
proved too complex to be addressed within a mainstream setting. The
school provides effective support through an experienced clinical team,
highly trained school staff, and a suitably differentiated curriculum,
enabling them to progress and succeed to the best of their ability.
The aims and values of the school emphasise a commitment to provide a
high-quality provision for all our pupils.
School Context
Reddish Hall School is a SEMH specialist provision located in an urban area
of Stockport.
Every pupil who attends Reddish Hall School has an EHCP of which SEMH is
identified as their primary area of need.
Reddish Hall School has an enviable reputation for enabling pupils who
have struggled at previous schools to succeed. Small class sizes, a skilled
staff team and a broad, engaging curriculum result in children learning in a
calm and constructive manner.
Experienced teachers, teaching assistants, pastoral support workers and
therapists work together to support pupils to engage in an environment
that promotes both learning and social development. The intention of the
school is that pupils leave with the necessary skills – academic, practical
and social – to be ready for the next steps in their life. Our ethos and
success have a hugely positive impact on pupils and wider family groups.
We seek to work with families to ensure that children have all the available
opportunities to reach their potential.
All of our pupils have had previous difficulties with social, emotional skills
and their mental health, which have been a barrier to learning in their
previous academic settings. Around forty percent of our pupils are
diagnosed as having an autistic spectrum condition, and some may be in
the process of currently being assessed. For pupils with ASC or ADHD,
Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, attachment disorder and other specific
learning disorders such as dyslexia and dyspraxia, Reddish Hall is a school
that can provide structure, understanding and support. These help to bring
about improvements in behaviour, confidence and self-belief, which lead to
accelerated learning inside the classroom and beyond.
The school’s intent is:
- We are Reddish Hall.
- We build skills for life.
- We embrace and respect individuality.
- We support each other to achieve.
- We are unique, resilient and try our best.
The school’s ethos is embedded in the school policies and reflected in the
culture of the school:
- To promote a climate where pupils learn and where behaviour
changes for the better - To promote each pupil’s academic and social development
- To promote British values
- To ensure equality of opportunity for all pupils
- To develop, in all pupils, tolerance of and respect for others
- To raise the self-esteem of all pupils
- To raise the level of social competence of all pupils
- To maintain close working partnerships with all parents/carers and
referring authorities - To keep all pupils safe while they are at school
- To involve all pupils in their learning
- To monitor, evaluate and review the progress of all pupils regularly
- To return pupils to a mainstream school whenever appropriate and
practicable - To provide pupils with the skills and knowledge to equip them for life
after school - To enable pupils to adapt readily to a changing environment
We believe Reddish Hall School enables its pupils to improve their
academic performance, develop their social skills and raise their
aspirations. Our pupils may have a history of negative attitudes towards
school, as a result of previous experiences of failure and frustration.
Through our positive structure of rewards and incentives, underpinned by a
strong sense of boundaries, our pupils gain self-belief, display positive
behaviours and have a strong sense of belonging to our school. By
rebuilding their self-esteem and forging positive relationships, they replace
failure with success
At Reddish Hall School we provide a high quality learning environment and
deliver a curriculum which is designed to meets the needs of the pupils on
our roll. The curriculum is underpinned by strong social and behavioural
support, building self-esteem and giving pupils a platform to experience
success. This, in turn, enables pupils to channel their energies into
improving academically.
At Reddish Hall we are committed to a policy of equal opportunities for all
pupils, staff and others who come into contact with the school, regardless
of race, colour, gender, sexual orientation, religion or disability. Everyone
visiting, working or learning in the school should feel welcome, secure and
confident at all times. All should feel valued and able to participate fully in
the life of the school.
School Prospectus