Welcome to Reddish Hall School
Reddish Hall School has an enviable reputation for enabling pupils who have struggled at previous schools to succeed. Small class sizes, a skilled staff team and a broad, engaging curriculum result in children learning in a calm and constructive manner.
Experienced teachers, teaching assistants, pastoral support workers and therapists work together to support pupils to engage in an environment that promotes both learning and social development. The intention of the school is that pupils leave with the necessary skills – academic, vocational and socially – to be ready for the next steps in their life. Our ethos and success have a hugely positive impact on pupils and wider family groups. We seek to work with families to ensure that children have all the available opportunities to reach their potential.
All of our pupils have had previous difficulties with social, emotional skills and their mental health, which have been a barrier to learning in their previous academic settings. Around half of our pupils are diagnosed as having an autistic spectrum condition, and some may be in the process of currently being assessed. For pupils with ASC or ADHD, Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, attachment disorder and other specific learning disorders such as dyslexia and dyspraxia, Reddish Hall is a school that can provide structure, understanding and support. These help to bring about improvements in behaviour, confidence and self-belief, which lead to accelerated learning inside the classroom and beyond.
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We pride ourselves on our students receiving a broad and balanced curriculum enabling them to progress and succeed to the best of their ability.
Clinical Therapy
Our clinical team work with each student to provide care and therapy to benefit the children and young people in our school.
Take a look around