Transition Letter 2024
Friday 14 June 2024
Dear Parents and Carers,
We are at the time of year when we begin the process of transition for all our young people, with pupils starting in their new year groups and classes from Monday 1st July.
Today, pupils have been informed of which class they will be in from July 1, which classroom will be their form room and who will be their form/ class teacher and teaching assistant(s) for their class.
From July:
- Pupils in primary, Year 7 and Year 8 will be based in the Lewis Building on the Denstone Road site.
- Pupils in Years 9, 10 and 11, Nurture Year 11 and our Key Stage 5 students will be based in the Denstone building.
- Nurture pupils in Year 7, Year 8, Year 9 and Year 10 will be based at The Hive, meaning they have a quieter environment in which to learn.
Current Year 10 pupils will have very little change and are on work experience for two weeks from 17th June.
Social stories and visuals have been used to support your young person today to understand these changes. The resources that have been made bespoke to pupils or groups and has been sent out via email. The generic information given to pupils has been shared on our school website
Pupils will be on their usual timetable next week (w/c 17 June). During this period we will be supporting pupils with the upcoming changes, including visits to the Hive for Nurture Pathway students.
If you are a parent/carer of a Nurture Pathway student and haven’t visited the Hive, we will be offering tours after school next week. Please email and we can book you on a tour.
Week commencing 24 June is an activity week consisting of an end of term trip for each class, outdoor ed to Formby beach and an offsite sports day, as well as two days of usual lessons. So children can celebrate this academic year with their current classes, Activity week will have a specific timetable which we will share with you w/c 17 June.
As Year 10 pupils are on work experience, they will have their end of term trip on the 16th July.
From July 1, pupils will be in their new class/form rooms, and will be on the timetable for 24/25. Pupils in year 9 currently will begin their exam syllabuses and their option choices. The final week of the school year will be a normal timetabled week of learning, as all trips will have been undertaken, other than for the new Year 11 students who will have their end of term trip this week.
We appreciate that change can be difficult for students, and one of our roles is to help develop our pupils’ capacity and confidence to deal with planned change. We are prepared for the potential of students needing additional help at this time. We will respond to individual pupils’ needs with the appropriate support.
If you have any questions, please email admin with your query who will forward it to the best person to give you a call.
Kind regards, The Reddish Hall Team