Leading Parent Partnership Award
During this process, we hope to build on the many strengths the school already has with parents.
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Home News & Events KS4 Attendance Letter
17 March 2023
Dear Parents and Carers,
We have noticed a recent trend of colleges contacting us directly to seek attendance data for pupils who have applied for Year 12 courses with them. Many courses are oversubscribed, so attendance is being used as a selection tool for offering places. If your child is in Key Stage 4 and looking at moving onto college, please support your child to attend unless they are unfit for school, as poor school attendance may result in them not being offered a college place on the course of their choice.
Persistent absence is classed as anything below 90% attendance. We understand that for a small group of our pupils who have had lengthy absence from school in previous settings, attendance may be low but improving which is to be celebrated. Attendance for all pupils is monitored closely. When attendance is dropping we may make a home visit to see if there is anything we can do to support to help your young person into school.
If your child is absent, please ensure you let the school know each day before 10am either by phoning 0161 442 1197 or emailing pupilabsence@reddishhallschool.co.uk Please do not email your child’s TA or teacher as they may not pick it up before 10am.
This contact should be each day your child is unwell. If we don’t hear from you, we will phone you. If we cannot get hold of you, then an emergency number will be contacted. If we have no response from any emergency contact, we may undertake an emergency home visit as part of our safeguarding protocol to ensure you are all okay.
If you have any concerns around your child’s attendance or wish to discuss it further, please do get in touch.
Kind regards,
Veronica Duggan
Assistant Head
Jane Neale
Designated Safeguarding Lead
© Outcomes First Group 2025